2015年7月27日 星期一

2015 WANTANARA 西非曼丁鼓舞文化工作坊>>>鼓舞進階班 台北場

錯過了中階班的工作坊嗎?   沒關係,可別錯過了非洲老師Cece Coly & Bebey Youla的鼓舞課




2012、2013年,我們與來自西非幾內亞,現居住在西班牙的Dununfola, Cece Koly Camara , 幾內亞國家舞團首席舞者, 現居住在荷蘭的 Aissata Bebey Youla ,一起把非洲熱情的能量、原汁原味的鼓舞對話帶給台灣,也讓我們感受到大師的風範。


對有接觸過非洲鼓(djembe)的朋友一定會知道, 曼丁音樂的核心就是dunun, 所以我們將帶來完整的djembe+dunun+dance的完整課程。

所以之前若錯過兩位大師的,今年千萬別錯過了西非曼丁鼓舞文化 金貝鼓、敦敦鼓與非洲舞的三角關係!!!!


此課程適合學習非洲鼓舞兩年以上的朋友,由Bebey 與 Cece 聯手主教 舞蹈 與 dunun(非洲低音大鼓) ,非洲太暘鼓舞劇團 藝術總監 阿全 與 舞蹈總監 阿miu 與團長 阿克為助教,一步一步的, 帶您進入非洲鼓舞間對話的樂趣!!

●台北場 2015年 9月12日, 9月13日
地點: 表演36房 / 永安藝文館

每場次兩天12小時 (djembe + dunun + dance)
★上課行程 Schedule

第一天 AM 9:30 報到
Djembe AM 10:00 ~ PM 11:40
Dunun PM 13:20 ~ PM 15:00
Dance PM 15:20 ~ PM 17:20
綜合演練 PM 17:30 ~ PM 18:00

Djembe AM 10:00 ~ PM 11:40
Dunun PM 13:20 ~ PM 15:00
Dance PM 15:20 ~ PM 17:20
綜合演練 PM 17:30 ~ PM 18:00


一, 台北場 或 台南場 , 單一場次(兩天) 6800NT

二, 台南場 加 台北場 , 兩場(四天) 8800NT


●單一場次團體(三人以上)於""8/17前網路報名, 8/21前完成匯款"" 團體優惠價5500NT/一人


三, 特殊收費

單堂 2500NT / 兩天 4500NT


●單一場次舞蹈課程團體(三人以上)於""8/17前網路報名, 8/21前完成匯款"" 團體優惠價4000NT(兩天課程)/一人

◆◆只上鼓課程(djembe 或 dunun)◆◆
單堂一天兩小時, 2000NT
兩天4小時, 4000元

●只上鼓課程(djembe + dunun) , 單堂一天四小時, 3000NT

以上課程收費含學員使用的dunun,學員需自備djembe,我們希望每一位都能操作體驗到 :)


上過鼓舞前期班的學員可以優惠價""4500NT""報名一場次Cece & Bebey 的鼓舞進階班!!!!

★★Special ★★
(9/7~9/9, PM 7:30~9:30,三天共六小時) ,
7天共30小時 全勤價: 12000 NT !!



有任何問題 歡迎跟我們聯繫!!!
阿全Issa 0933 296354 djembe.store@gmail.com
阿克Ake 0939 534906 djembe.ake@gmail.com


土地銀行 路竹分行


WANTANARA~ ~ (我們是在一起的~~)


Mandeng, a tribe in West Africa, has an astonishing drum and dance culture. By playing djembe and dunun, drummers and dancers communicate through the rhythm which always makes the audience's hearts vibrate to it.

In 2012 and 2013, we worked with prestigious Dununfola, Cece Koly Camara (drummer) and Aissata Bebey Youla (dancer). Both of them come from Guinea, West Africa, and are now based in Spain and the Netherlands respectively. During their short stay in Taiwan, they brought along the distinct African passion and showed us the traditional drumming-dancing orchestration along with their personal vigor.
Two years since our last cooperation with them, we, Le Telee Ballets, will invite both of them to launch a two-week workshop this summer.
As a common sense for people who have played djembe, the core of the Mandeng music is dunun and this is why we are providing a comprehensive djembe+dunun+dance workshop this time.

Do not worry that you may not catch up with others or will be left behind. In order for more people to experience the beautiful relation between drumming and dancing, we have different levels of drum/dance courses (precession courses and master courses) whereby everyone can enjoy the beats.

If you have not had courses with the two masters yet, make sure you do not miss them this time.
●●●●●●●●●●●★★Precession Courses★★●●●●●●●●●●●●

Precession Courses are suitable for those having 1-2 year(s) of experience in African drumming and dancing. The courses will be run by the art director (Issa) and the dance director (A-Miu) of Le Telee Ballets.
★Venues and Time

●Taipei 9/12, 9/13, 2015
Venue: Pas36 表演36房
(4F, No. 156-1, Sec 2, Muxin Rd. Wenshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan)

The precession courses (djembe + dunun + dance) make a 12-hour program with 6 hours each day.
★ Schedule

Day One and Day Two share the same schedule:
9:30am Registration
10am ~ 11:40am Djembe
1:20pm ~ 3:00pm Dunun
3:20pm ~ 5:20pm Dance
Joint Session 5:30pm ~ 6:00pm

The joint session is for reviewing all the pieces and skills taught that day. Participants will be expected to demonstrate what they have learned in groups.
★Administration and Fees

1. Precession Courses in Taipei OR Tainan:2 days for NTD 6,800

2. Precession Courses in Taipei AND Tainan:4 days for NTD 8,800

●Early-Bird Rate (Register by 8/17) for Individuals:Those who finish payment by 8/17 will get the rate of 2 days (in Taipei or Tainan) for NTD5,500/per person.

●Early-Bird Rate (Register by 8/17) for 2 People or More:Those who finish payment by 8/17 will get the rate of 2 days (in Taipei or Tainan) for NTD5,000/per person.

3. Fees by Sessions

●Dance Courses Only:NTD2,500 per session / 2 days for NTD4,500
(Live Percussion)

●Drum Courses (djembe OR dunun) Only:NTD2,000 per day/ 2 days for NTD4,000

●Drum Courses (djembe AND dunun) Only:NTD3,000 per session

The fees include provided dununs, but participants are expected to have their own djembe so that everyone can learn efficiently.

★★Discounts for Previous Workshop Participants★★

Participants of previous workshops may register for one of Cece and Bebey's sessions with a discount price of NTD4,500.

●Master Courses:NTD6,800 per session
●Dates of Master Courses
Tainan 9/5-9/6
Taipei 9/12-13

For registration↓↓↓↓↓

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!!!
Issa. 0933-296354
Ake. 0939-534906

*Successful registration requires you to finish payment first. Please email us once the payment procedure is done.
-Payment Information
Bank Code:005

See you in September!!!!!!!!

WANTANARA~ ~ ( We are all together.)

2015年7月8日 星期三

Mask dance- Konden in Conakry 2015

每一周我都會跟著男友去參加婚禮工作,已看過相~~~當多的婚禮,無論是單純樂團式的,晚上的Sabarr,傳統Gine Fare, 還是dununba.....直到有一天,在dununba婚禮中,女方也邀請了面具舞-Konden來祝福,剛好,被我拍到啦.....哈哈哈~~~~

幾項讓我驚奇以及傻眼的事 (一)

對於沒去過非洲的每一位朋友們,看到任何我們沒見過的事情,一定都會覺得很新奇或傻眼等印象。對我來說實在有太多太多了,我只能慢慢訴道~ 第一項 我之前所待的地區叫做Matam,隨後工作坊的所在地區叫做 Aeroport (法文就是機場),而下一站就是馬爺所住的地區-Mototo。在馬...